Bio English
Lilia Villafuerte is a digital artist and researcher on “Human Computer Interaction” (HCI), cognition and interactive media. Her work as a researcher and artist has been exhibited in Spain, Mexico, Egypt, Germany, Peru and the United States.
With a multidisciplinary background ranging from anthropology of emotions, media and cognitive processes, to experimenting with new narrative and affective computing structures, Lilia currently combines her personal art and HCI research with her work as a consultant in Digital Strategy and Creative Technology.
Bio Spanish
Lilia Villafuerte es una artista digital e investigadora en “Human Computer Interaction” (HCI), cognición y media interactiva. Sus trabajos como investigadora y artista han sido expuestos en España, México, Egipto, Alemania, Perú y Estados Unidos.
Con un background multidisciplinar que va desde la antropología de las emociones, medios de comunicación y procesos cognitivos, hasta la experimentación de nuevas estructuras narrativas y affective computing, actualmente Lilia combina su investigación personal en arte y HCI con su labor como consultora en Estrategia Digital y Tecnología Creativa.
Grants and Awards
- Hangar art center (Barcelona Spain): Studio and resources (02/01/07 -30/12/08) Artist in residence with the collective art Group Radio Paca.
- Artellewa: art production centre (Cairo, Egypt): Studio and resources. (30/12/10-18/01/11). Artist in residence
- LABoral centro de producción Digital and Telefónica R+D (Spain): Production, travel, fees, and any other general costs(31/01/12 – 31/08/12). Next Things 2012
- Lilia Villafuerte, Milena Markova, and Sergi Jorda. 2012. Acquisition of social abilities through musical tangible user interface: children with autism spectrum condition and the reactable. In CHI ’12 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA ’12). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 745-760. DOI=10.1145/2212776.2212847
- Lilia B. Villafuerte and Laura Malinverni. 2014. Redefinition of requirements in the design and development of the project mapocci: from digital art to HCI research. In CHI ’14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA ’14). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 881-884. DOI=10.1145/2559206.2559973
Obtained her Bachelor in Communication with mention in Audiovisual by the Pontifícia Universidad Católica del Perú (Lima, Perú) in December 2000.
In 2011, she completed the “Interdisciplinary Master’s in Cognitive Systems and Interactive Media” CSIM at Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, Spain.
Selected Exhibitions
- Jan 13- Mar 13 Elas Fan Tech (La Coruña, Spain).
- Nov 11- Feb 12 LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial Foundation (Gijón, Spain) Collective presentation: Narrativas espaciales. Geolocated audio in public space.
- Dec 10- Jan 11 Artellewa: art production centre (Cairo, Egypt) Artist in residence.
- July 2010 Contemporanean museum of Orizaba (Mexico) Work Retrospective.
- October 2009 VIII Muestra de Documental Independiente Peruano (Lima, Perú) Documentary: Binary dreams.
- June 2008 Centre dʼArts Santa Mònica-Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain) NITCASM-08 Documentary: Binary dreams.
- November 2007 Espacio Abisal (Bilbao, Spain) Netlach 2007 Warmikuna Yuyaraniku: Video art and programming.
- June 2007 Centre dʼArts Santa Mònica-Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain) NITCASM-07: HACkLab Warmikuna Yuyaraniku: Video art and programming.
- June 2007 Mousonturm (Frankfurt, Germany) Frankfurt international book fair Arxiu Líquid: Semantic interface.
- June 2007 Caixa Forum (Barcelona, Spain) Audioneto Radioshow “Guerra a la Guerra” – interface.